Monday, September 26, 2011

New Blog Site

Hey Friends,

If you're checking in here, chances are you've been with me on the journey these past few months.  Many of you have been kind enough to email, text, fb message...whatever.  But you've asked for a better blog platform where it's easier to post comments and resources.  So as of today, my new blog address is:


I sure hope you'll come over and check it out, leave your comments, and pass it along to others who might be encouraged or want to join the conversation.


Monday, September 5, 2011

The Lucy and Ethel Road Trip

I never, EVER thought there would be a day in my life when I would accidentally end up in a nudist camp, looking for the Giant Lady’s Leg Sundial in rural Indiana. But that's exactly what happened.

I just got back from the road trip my daughter Maggie and I took driving a U Haul, moving her to D.C. and stopping at quirky sights along the way.
Our trip included car dancing, U turns, bonding with fellow truckers, and stops like the sundial, a space acorn (we just missed the UFO convention) and a hot dog bun “museum” of sorts.  It was a blast. Three days of adventure filled with laughter.

 I kept thinking of Deuteronomy 30:19 that reminds us to “choose life!”  The life that God has created includes everything from the inspirational, to the sacrificial, to the…FUN!  So...on this holiday I hope each of you find a giant orange moose, or something that gives you delight!